Cutting carbon emissions often goes hand in hand with saving money which is why creating a more sustainable, lower carbon business should be at the heart of your business model. And we can show you how.
Whether you own a business or just work in one, we want to hear
from you. Visit the Join Us section of this site to register with
Team Green Britain and we'll send you an Energy Efficiency Pack
filled with ideas for simple measures that you can take to cut both
costs and carbon emissions.
Here are three great ways to start saving energy and making your
business a greener place:
Cycling to work
Encouraging employees to cycle to work doesn't just help to cut carbon emissions. It can help to bring your team together and boost their energy levels.
Hold a Big Lunch
Your business is a community too - and holding a Big Lunch can help to bring your community together. Here we explain just some of the bottom-line benefits - and we've got some great ideas for organising your Big Lunch.
Save Energy
Saving energy means saving money. Get 10 simple ideas for doing both here.