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Story so far

Since the first Green Britain Day, we've been working to host events, share ideas, promote sustainability in communities and schools, and help our members cut their carbon footprints through ideas like the Low Carbon Rush Hour.


Creating a sustainable, low-carbon business can help to bring employees together, save money, even put more of a spring in your step on Monday morning. From the Low Carbon Rush Hour to simple, energy-saving tips, put sustainability at the heart of your business plan.

Sustainability in schools

EDF Energy’s Programme for Greener Schools is centred on the Pod, an online resource with lesson plans, activities and games to help teach pupils about environmental subjects such as energy, water, waste, transport and biodiversity. Since its launch in September 2008, the Pod has engaged over 4 million schoolchildren in more than 14,900 registered schools.


EDF Energy’s Programme for Greener Schools is centred on the Pod, an online resource with lesson plans, activities and games to help teach pupils about environmental subjects such as energy, water, waste, transport and biodiversity.

Since its launch in September 2008, more than 4 million schoolchidren in over 14,900 registered schools are estimated to have engaged with the Pod. You can find out more at And click below for examples of how the Pod and Team Green Britain are making a difference in schools.

Switch Off Fortnight

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Where: Nationwide

When: Every year

The opportunity to keep the older generation on their toes has made Switch Off Fortnight hugely popular, with more than 3,700 schools downloading resources for the campaign.

Southwold Primary School

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Ageing school buildings don’t have to mean wasted energy. With a little help from EDF Energy and Team Green Britain, Southwold Primary School is working to cut its carbon footprint.

Making a difference in Devon

Where: Devon

He’s known as the Prince of Darkness for his habit of shutting off lights in the Okehampton College staff room, but Keith Webber’s dedication to cutting CO2 is proving something of a shining light in the Devon region.

Birdham CE Primary School

Where: Chichester, East Sussex

“Team Green Britain really helps to clarify how everyone can make a difference,” says Peter Johnson the Head Teacher at Birdham CE Primary School in West Sussex. “It’s a classic example of an idea that suddenly gets quite large when you have lots of like-minded people involved.”